Welcome To Our ECO Blog
The Three Skins
In Bau-biologie we talk about “the three skins”: the lining of your digestive tract is your first skin, or your inner skin, the second skin is the one that contains your body, and the third skin is your home – the surroundings you live in.
Each skin is equally important and needs to be kept clean, healthy, and breathing, – and each skin is dependent on the other two skins.
We are teaching teleconferences on the three skins and you will be able to find them posted on our website.
The first one: “Your First Skin: Why you need a healthy digestion; what happens if you don’t, and how to rebuild it,” will be on May 30th 2007, at 6.00 pm.
The next one: “Your Second Skin: Skin Problems and How to Cope with Them” will follow,
“Your Third Skin: 9 Tips to ECO-fit your Home” will come next. Stay tuned for the dates. We will announce them on this blog.
The Relationship Between Your Home and Your Early Birth Environment
One of the reasons that we are so committed to teaching our workshops on healing your early Birth patterns (Blueprint for Rebirth) is because if that early environment that you came into, – not just as a baby, but also in the womb, -was toxic then you may be recreating those patterns over and over again.
What do we mean by toxic? Well, there are many different manifestations that we have seen:
Toxic Chemicals
Smoking: One parent, or both, may have been cigarette smokers, and studies have shown that the embryo will cringe even when a mother just thinks about lighting up a cigarette. (ref Thomas Verney, – “The Secret Life of the Unborn Child”
Alcohol consumption
Medications: Mom may have been taken a lot of medication during the pregnancy, – we have worked with people whose mothers were on antidepressant or taking a lot of uppers and downers.
Petrochemicals – Sometimes parents very lovingly prepare the baby’s room by repainting with toxic paints and using paint thinners and other petrochemical based substances, Those fumes go straight to the baby.
All these chemicals are very confusing and send mixed messages to the baby’s nervous system.
Toxic emotions: There is a study, for example, on how withheld anger can turn to poison and how that poison is enough to kill a rat!
Toxic relationships with the father or family,
These are just a few.
When my mother was pregnant with me in
As a result, throughout my childhood I didn’t trust my mother and also had horrible skin problems – a classic sign of petrochemical poisoning.
(Examples of symptoms and issues due to early poisoning can be found in my article “The Toxified Child”. )
Another reason that we teach the Birth Workshops (Blueprint for Rebirth) is to offer you an experience of a healthy third skin
In our Birth Workshops we offer you the experience of what it would have been like if your Third Skin had been healthy. The reactions in your body can be very profound. We have witnessed people settle and deeply relax, sometimes for the first time in their life. They may fall into a very very deep sleep, they may laugh a lot, they may get very hungry because now – finally – it is safe for their digestive tract to take in nourishment.
The nervous system begins to come out of the “red alert state” and starts to shift into the “rest and regenerate” space. As I mentioned earlier, – sometimes this is the first time that someone has done this in their whole life!
Did you know that if you are constantly in the state of red alert that the energy going to your digestive tract is reduced, because it has to be mobilized elsewhere to deal with potential danger? Since such a large portion of society is stressed and in overwhelm we can understand why so many people have terrible digestive challenges. And this is why we are offering our teleconference on “Ancient Chinese Medicine Secrets for Digestive problems”
How would it be if you were able to eat in a calm peaceful state? Take a moment to get a sense of that…..perhaps your gut would not be so constricted, you would be able to take in more nourishment, and you would have more energy for the pleasurable, fun aspects of life!
Can you imagine how different relationships could be – if you were more open and relaxed? What about bonding with your partner, with your children, your animals, work mates? ……Life shifts.
Another important reason is to encourage you to create your own healthy Third Skin – which is why we are starting this ECO Blog.
Once you have an experience in your cells of what it is like to be in a healthy space it becomes easier for you to create your own, – because now you have a healthier template.
I have noticed, in my many years of practice, that the people I have worked with who suffer from Environmental Illness have all come from a toxic womb or had a lot of poison in very early childhood, – without exception. (And remember, this poison may not just be chemical, it could also be emotional, cultural, or even mechanical, – in the form of severe shocks from accidents that mother may have had) In any case, they were not given a healthy template and so their nervous system does not know to recreate it. Instead they keep drawing in multiple experiences of being poisoned. Food poisons them, for example, pollens poison them, dry-cleaning fumes, petrochemicals, and they will often flip into a life or death place, where they can barely function.
It is easier (and cheaper) to create a healthy space now and to prevent illness than to try and fix it after you or a family member is already sick
As I mentioned above, one of my favorite quotes from the “Nei Jing”, which is an ancient Chinese Medicine text, compares the practice of “treating people when they are already sick to that of digging a well when you are already thirsty” . It’s too late.
So, don’t be too late. Follow this ECO blog and we will be giving you “Ten Tips to Eco fit your home”.
Also we welcome your comments and questions, so that we can tailor our information to meet your needs.
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